AWD dyno

How to Get Your Money’s Worth From Your AWD Dyno Investment

Dyno tuning was once a service reserved for 2WD race cars and petrol heads. But things are changing, and many average car owners want to experience dyno tuning for the most effective running of their vehicles. But AWD dynos are definitely not cheap. In this article, we will look at how workshop owners can get the most out of their new dyno machines.

Advertise Your Services

No one is going to know that your workshop has an AWD dyno machine and is offering dyno tuning services if you do not advertise effectively. Start by letting your current clients know about your new service offering, and word will definitely spread. Investing in online marketing is also a good idea.

Charge the Right Amount

If you do eventually want to make your money back on your AWD dyno investment, you need to charge the right price for your dyno tuning services. Dyno tuning isn’t cheap, and if you want to get an idea of what you should be charging, look towards your competitors. Charging too little may mean it will take a long time to recover your investment.

AWD dyno

Offer Discounts to New Customers

While you should definitely keep your prices at an industry standard, it may be a good idea to lure new customers in by offering them special discounts.

Maintain Your Dyno

A dyno machine is a massive investment, and you need to look after your investments. Dyno machines require regular cleaning and maintenance if you want them to last for years to come. Maintenance is affordable if it is done regularly by the manufacturer, so ensure you keep on top of it.

Make Sure That you And Your Staff Know How to Use it Properly

In order to give your clients the very best service with your dyno machine and keep them coming back, you need to ensure that you and your staff know exactly how the dyno machine works and how to properly dyno tune different vehicles. If you don’t, you may want to look into getting some training.

Are you looking to invest in an AWD dyno in Australia? Maha Premium Workshop Equipment are suppliers of high-quality AWD dynos, so get in touch with us today on 1800 006 242 for more information on our workshop equipment products.

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