Automotive Service Scissor Lift Twin
Automotive Services

The Benefits of Double Scissor Lifts: Is It Best To Buy Automotive Service Scissor Lift Twins?

As the saying goes, two is usually better than one and the same can be said about double scissor lifts. As a result, more and more workshop owners are opting for twin scissor lifts for their automotive services instead of the singular lift.

Here at MAHA AU, we have a very popular product called the ‘Automotive Service Scissor Lift Twin F IV’. We have seen first-hand how this product has added value to workshops all over Australia.

In this article, we’ll be discussing some of the unique benefits offered by this piece of equipment, as well as double scissor lifts in general.

Low Drive-Over Height

Our double scissor lift provides convenient on-ground installation and low drive-over heights, ideal for almost any type of vehicle. This is just one of the features that makes this equipment incredibly easy to use.

Operating Comfort

The support plate length is continuously adjustable. This means that there is no pushing of the vehicle required. The support plates are also granule-coated, which protects against any sort of vehicle slippage.

Safe Operation

You receive double the safety because you have double the scissor lifts, as well as two redundant cylinders. There is also a very simple emergency button that can be used in the case of a power failure.

Quiet Operation

Your workshop is probably noisy enough and does not need the added noise of an additional lift. This lift is a lot quieter than other types of service lifts thanks to the types of machinery that is used in its construction.


Automotive Service Scissor Lift Twin

Stability is an important feature in all types of vehicle lifts. The last thing you want to see is any type of wobbling. Because of the dual scissor lifts, there is a high level of lateral stability, which in turn offers better safety.


Two scissor lifts also increases the power. Power is also boosted thanks to innovative lift-out support offered by the cylinders. Knowing that you have a powerful scissor lift increases your trust in the machinery.


The two plates are fully automated and are in sync with one another. As a result, there is no need to worry about operating two different pieces of machinery.

Interested in the Automotive Service Scissor Lift: Twin F IV offered here at MAHA Premium Workshop Equipment in Australia? We invite you to browse our website to learn more or get in touch with one of our knowledgeable team members should you have any questions about this piece of equipment. Call us today!

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Dylan Freeling